Monday, October 26, 2009

Joseph discovered the secret to life - Pastor Paul -

When Joseph was a teenage boy, God inspired him with some amazing dreams. In his first dream he saw all of his brothers bow down to him like sheaves of grain. And the second, he was the center of a galaxy of stars. As he shared these dreams with his brothers they grew angry and threw him into a well. And his life went down hill from there. He became a slave, was unjustly thrown in prison for doing the right thing, and was forgotten for years.

But the day came when the Pharaoh - the most powerful person in the world—asked Joseph to interpret Pharaoh's dreams.  At this point, Joseph said, “It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.”  Genesis 41:16

From a teenage boy, thinking he was the center of the universe and operating by his own power to years later trusting fully in God’s power, through his troubles, Joseph discovered the secret to life - I can’t but God can!

Maybe your dream is dying. Maybe you feel discouraged by what is not happening in your career, your family, your finances, or your life of faith.  I believe that God allows each of us to get to the point where we say...
          I can’t do this!
          Only God can make this happen!

In your family, work, or this family of faith, God wants to bring you to that point of saying, “I can’t do this. I need God’s help. I need to learn.”  When you are aware that you can’t do it, then you open the door for God to show His power. Then God can do something even greater in your life!

By grace,

Pastor Paul

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