Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Alpha Arizona

Alpha Arizona Update
September 2009

Thank you so much to all who attended the Alpha leadership training on Saturday August 22nd. Our hope and prayer is that you left inspired and equipped.

This event included extremely helpful workshops by Rick Burress and Greg Lynn as well as an exciting pep talk from our fearless leader Beth Fitch and an invitation to support Alpha Arizona by Mark Sorensen.

If you have not done so please take the time to fill out our online event evaluation form. We appreciate all your feedback.


If you would like to speak or meet with one of the Alpha Arizona team who participated, we can be reached by email at,,, and

On behalf of the entire Alpha Arizona team, I just want to say that we were encouraged and inspired by your enthusiasm and desire to reach out to church outsiders.
May God blow your doors off this Alpha season!!!

Register Now for the National Alpha Conference 

Tuesday, October 20th and Wednesday, October 21st
Northland Church – Orlando, FL

The National Alpha Conference is for churches and individuals who share the vision to reach their communities with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Learn from speaker Nicky Gumbel, Senior Pastor of Holy Trinity Brompton, London & experience powerful worship led by Christian songwriter & worship leader, Brenton Brown. Bear Grylls, host of "Man vs.Wild" series on the Discovery Channel™ will also be joining us.


• Complete training in how to run the Alpha course.

• A tailored program for all experiences from those wanting to find out what the Alpha course is to those wanting to improve or expand their Alpha ministry.
• Plenty of time for worship, ministry and a chance to meet others with similar passions.

or call 1.800.DO.ALPHA

Click to learn about the tracks and sessions

Alpha Course Administration is Here

After much preparation we now offer expanded email and web support to enhance your course and make administration easier. Our prayer is that these tools will allow for a great experience at your course by all. For specific questions visit our web site at or contact Dean Truitt  or call him at 480-275-839

DONATE TO ALPHA – Churches and Individuals

The life changing work of God through Alpha here in Arizona has been made possible by the financial contributions of individuals and churches. Please consider the impact of Alpha on your life and how you or your church might be able to support God's work here.

COMING IN SEPTEMBER – Would your church include Alpha Arizona in their Mission's Budget for end of year 2009 or 2010? A letter will be mailed to your church requesting support. Please be an advocate for Alpha Arizona in your church. If you have questions please email or call Mark Sorensen or 623-693-1610.


Beth Fitch

Alpha Arizona Director

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